2009-present Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice Department,
2010-present Affiliated Graduate Professor, Psychology Department,
Ph.D., Criminal Justice, 2009
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Dissertation: The Role of Genes and Abuse in the Etiology of Offending
Chair: Dr. John Paul Wright
M.S., Criminal Justice, 2004
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
B.S., Criminal Justice, 2003
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Refereed articles (*Impact factor; # of units per DCRD for articles published while at WCU)
Bobadilla, Leonardo, Jamie Vaske, and Kia Asberg. (2013). “Dopamine receptor (D4) polymorphism is related to co-morbidity between marijuana abuse and depression.” Addictive Behaviors. *Impact Factor 2.021, 5 year Impact Factor 2.578; 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, Will Stadler, John P. Wright and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “The interconnection between intellectual achievement and self-control.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40, 80-94. *Impact Factor 1.860; 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, Brian Boutwell, J.C. Barnes, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “A behavioral genetic analysis of low self-control and substance use.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 41, 262-272. *Impact Factor 1.236, 5 year Impact Factor 1.379; 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, Brian Boutwell, Jamie Vaske, and Jamie Newsome. (2013). “Genetic overlap between delinquency peer association and delinquency in adolescence.” Criminal Justice and Behavior. *Impact Factor 1.860; 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, John Paul Wright, Valerie Knopik, & Jamie Vaske. (2013). “A twin study of sex differences in self-control.” Justice Quarterly, 30, 529-559. *Impact Factor 1.631; 1 unit.
Chapple, Constance, Jamie Vaske, and Meredith Worthen. (2013). “Gender differences in association with deviant peers.” Deviant Behavior. *Impact Factor .55; 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. (2013). “Interaction of the TaqIA polymorphism and poor parental socialization on changes in adolescent marijuana use.” Substance Use and Misuse, 48, 258-264. *Impact Factor 1.109; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Danielle Boisvert, John Paul Wright, and Kevin M. Beaver. (2013, in press) “A longitudinal analysis of the effects of a DRD4 polymorphism on marijuana use.” Psychiatry Research. *Impact Factor 2.456, 5 year Impact Factor 2.829; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Danielle Boisvert, and John Paul Wright. (2012) “Genetic and environmental contributions to the relationship between violent victimization and criminal behavior.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 3213-3235. *Impact Factor 1.355; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Jamie Newsome, and John Paul Wright. (2012). “The role of 5HTTLPR and childhood neglect on criminal behavior and substance abuse for males and females.” Development and Psychopathology, 24, 181-193. *Impact Factor 4.926; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Jeffrey T. Ward, Danielle Boisvert, and John Paul Wright. (2012). “The stability of risk-seeking from adolescence to emerging adulthood.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 313-322. *Impact Factor 1.236, 5 year Impact Factor 1.379; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Jamie Newsome, and Danielle Boisvert (2012). “The mediating effects of verbal IQ in the relationship between low birth weight and antisocial behavior.” Infant and Child Development. *Impact Factor .836; 2 units.
Boisvert, Danielle, John Paul Wright, Valerie Knopik, and Jamie Vaske. (2012) “Genetic and environmental overlap between low self-control and delinquency.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28, 477-507. *Impact Factor 1.673; 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, Jamie Vaske, Justine Taylor, & John Paul Wright. (2012). “The effects of differential parenting on sibling differences in self-control among brother-sister pairs.” Criminal Justice Review, 37(1), 5-23. 1 unit. (no Impact Factor score available)
Boisvert, Danielle, Jamie Vaske, John Paul Wright, & Valerie Knopik. (2012). “Sex differences in criminal behavior: A genetic analysis.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues, 28(3), 293-313. 1 unit. (no Impact Factor score available)
Boutwell, B. B., Kevin M. Beaver, J. C. Barnes, and Jamie Vaske. (2012). “The developmental origins of externalizing behavioral problems: Parental attachment and the role of gene-environment interplay.” Psychiatry Research, 197, 337-344. *Impact Factor 2.456, 5 year Impact Factor 2.829; 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, John Paul Wright, and Kevin M. Beaver. (2011). “A dopamine gene (DRD2) distinguishes between offenders who have and who have not been violently victimized.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55, 251-267. *Impact Factor 1.056; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert, and Kevin M. Beaver. (2011). “Gender, genetic risk, and criminal behavior.” Psychiatry Research, 185, 376-381. *Impact Factor 2.456, 5 year Impact Factor 2.829; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Kevan Galyean, and Francis T. Cullen. (2011). “Toward a biosocial theory of offender rehabilitation: Why does cognitive-behavioral therapy work?” Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 90-102. *Impact Factor 1.236, 5 year Impact Factor 1.379; 2 units.
Beaver, Kevin M., Ashley Sak, Jamie Vaske, and Jessica Nilsson. (2010) “Genetic risk, family risk, and antisocial phenotypes in a sample of African American males.” Psychiatry Research, 175, 160-164. *Impact Factor 2.456, 5 year Impact Factor 2.829; 1 unit.
Chapple, Connie, Jamie Vaske, and Trina Hope. (2010). “Sex differences in the causes of self-control: An examination of mediation, moderation, and gendered etiologies.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 1122-1131. *Impact Factor 1.236, 5 year Impact Factor 1.379; 1 unit.
Chapple, Connie and Jamie Vaske. (2010). “Child neglect, social context and educational outcomes: Examining the moderating effects of school and neighborhood context.” Violence and Victims, 25, 470-485. *Impact Factor 1.283; 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, and Krista Gehring. (2010). “Mechanisms linking depression to delinquency for males and females.” Feminist Criminology, 5, 8-28. *Impact Factor .786; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Kevin M. Beaver, John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert, and Matthew Makarios. (2009). “Moderating effects of DRD2 on depression.” Stress and Health, 25, 453-462. *Impact Factor 1.036; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Jamie Newsome, Brian Boutwell, Matthew Makarios, Kevin Beaver, and John Paul Wright. (2009) “Interaction of 5HTTLPR and marijuana use on property offending.” Biodemography and Social Biology, 55, 93-102. *Impact Factor .52; 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, Kevin M. Beaver, John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert, and Rebecca Schnupp. (2009). “The interaction between DAT1 and having an alcoholic father predicts serious alcohol problems in a sample of males.” Drug and Alcohol Dependency, 104, 17-22. *Impact Factor 3.141.
Vaske, Jamie, Matthew Makarios, Danielle Boisvert, Kevin M. Beaver, and John Paul Wright. (2009). “The interaction of DRD2 and violent victimization on depression: An analysis by gender and race.” Journal of Affective Disorders 112(1): 120-125. *Impact Factor 3.295.
Wright, John Paul, Danielle Boisvert, and Jamie Vaske. (2009). “Blood lead levels in childhood predict adulthood psychopathy.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 7, 208-222. *Impact Factor 1.296.
Wright, John Paul, Kevin M. Beaver, Matt DeLisi, Michael G. Vaughn, Danielle Boisvert, and Jamie Vaske. (2008). “Lombroso’s Legacy: The miseducation of criminologists.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 19, 325-338.
Beaver, Kevin M., John Paul Wright, Matt DeLisi, Anthony Walsh, Michael G. Vaughn, Danielle Boisvert, and Jamie Vaske. (2007). “A gene x gene interaction between DRD2 and DRD4 in the etiology of conduct disorder and antisocial behavior.” Behavioral and Brain Functions22: 30-38. *Impact Factor 2.79.
Book chapters
Boisvert, Danielle, and Jamie Vaske. (in press, 2012). “Genetic theories of criminal behavior.” The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Wiley-Blackwell. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. (in press, 2012). “Integration of biological and genetic factors into social learning theory.” In Kevin M. Beaver, Brian Boutwell, and JC Barnes (ed.), The Nurture versus Biosocial Debate in Criminology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “Genes, twin studies, and antisocial behavior.” In Albert Somnit and Steven A. Peterson’s (Ed.), Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge. United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1 unit.
Brown, Stephen E., and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “Chapter 6: Individual theories of crime: Biological and biosocial perspectives.” In Stephen E. Brown, Finn-Aage Esbensen, and Gilbert Geis’s, Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context (8th edition). Anderson Publishing. 1 unit.
Esbensen, F.A., and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “Chapter 10: Recent developments in criminological theory.” In Stephen E. Brown, Finn-Aage Esbensen, and Gilbert Geis’s, Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context (8th edition). Anderson Publishing. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. “Rolf Loeber and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber: Pathways to Crime.” In Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory (pp. 557-560). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. .5 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. (2011). Genes and Abuse as Causes of Offending. El Paso, TX: LFB Publishing. 2 units.
Vaske, Jamie, and Michael L. Benson. “A cautionary note on the search for gene X environment interactions.”
Vaske, Jamie, Kia Asberg, and Kortney Schumann, “Differential association of the TaqIA polymorphism and the dimensions of depression.”
Allena, Jessica, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “The implications of different genotyping methodologies on the association between a DRD4 polymorphism and antisocial phenotypes.” Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, GA. .5 units.
Boisvert, Danielle, Jamie Vaske, Brian Boutwell, and Todd Armstrong. (2013). “Examining the gateway hypothesis from a behavioral genetic perspective.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Dallas, TX. 1 unit.
Brouillettea, Kyle, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “Drug markets in Western North Carolina.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology conference in Atlanta, GA. .5 units.
Coyne, Michelle Anne, John Paul Wright, Jamie Vaske, and Danielle Boisvert. (2013). “Gender differences in the stability of self-regulation across childhood.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology conference in Atlanta, GA. 1 unit.
Evitta, Keaston, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “Do changes in alcohol laws lead to increases in crime and disorder in a college town?” Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology conference in Atlanta, GA. .5 units.
Fu, Yanyanb, Jamie Vaske & Leonardo Bobadilla. (2013). “Review CES-D measurement stability across individualistic and collectivistic cultures.” Poster presented at the 59th annual scientific meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in Atlanta, GA. .5 units.
Gehring, Krista, Danielle Boisvert, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “Sugar and spice or snips and snails: The BEM sex role inventory and offending behavior.” Paper presented at the annual American Society of Criminology meeting in Atlanta, GA.
Gehring, Krista, and Jamie Vaske. (2013). “Sin by silence: The effects of intimate partner violence on maladaptive outcomes for heterosexual, gay, and lesbian victims.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Dallas, TX. 1 unit.
Newsome, Jamie, Jamie Vaske, Danielle Boisvert, and Christopher J. Sullivan. (2013). “The practical value of biosocial criminology.” Roundtable at the American Society of Criminology conference in Atlanta, GA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, Danielle Boisvert, and John Paul Wright. (2013). “A biosocial theory of female offending.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology conference in Atlanta, GA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie and Danielle Boisvert. (2013). “D4 polymorphism and measures of self-control: Does the measure of self-control matter?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Dallas, TX. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie and Kortney Schumanna. (2013). “TaqIA polymorphism, dimensions of depression, and substance use.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Dallas, TX. .5 units.
Vaske, Jamie. (2013). “Making decisions about offenders and about offending: Do biological markers predict both?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Association Conference in Raleigh, NC. 1 unit.
Brown, Stephen, Albert Kopak & Jamie Vaske. (2012). “Deconstructing Drama in Criminology Statistics Classes.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Chicago, IL.
Brown, Stephen, Albert Kopak, and Jamie Vaske. (2012). “Teaching statistics in criminology and criminal justice: An outcome assessment.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Association in Raleigh, NC.
Vaske, Jamie. (2012). “Statistical Issues in Gene X Environment Research.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Chicago, IL. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. (2012). “Issues implementing Multi-Systemic Therapy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Association in Raleigh, NC. 1 unit.
Harper, Lindseya, Derek J. Muellera, and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “The role of self-control in alcohol use and pornography use.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C. .5 units.
Mueller, Derek J.b, and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “Blame it on the alcohol.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C. .5 units.
Simpson, Travisa, Derek J. Muellera, and Jamie Vaske. (2011). “Driving while under the influence: Does it matter where you are partying?” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C.
Vaske, Jamie and Krista Gehring. (2011). “Exploring the “black box” of the victim-offender relationship.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Francis T. Cullen, & Robert Agnew. (2011). “The immediate and cumulative effects of strain through early childhood and adolescence.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Washington, D.C. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie. (2011). “Student perceptions of legal and extralegal factors in judges’ pretrial decisions.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Association in Raleigh, NC. 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle and Jamie Vaske. (2010). “A twin study of sex differences in self-control.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. 1 unit.
Glatte, Melisaa, and Jamie Vaske. (2010). “Gender and the effect of relationships on deviant peer association and offending.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. .5 units.
Makarios, Matthew D., Jamie Vaske, Francis T. Cullen, and Jeff Maahs. (2010). “Examining the impact of criminal behavior, intelligence, and personality characteristics on school success.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Midwestern Criminal Justice Association in Chicago, IL. 1 unit.
Poe, Ambera, and Jamie Vaske. (2010). “Routine activity theory: Fun in the sun.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. .5 units.
Vaske, Jamie and Kevan Galyean. (2010). “A content analysis of Texts From Last Night.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, Jamie Newsome, and Danielle Boisvert. (2010). “The mediating effects of verbal IQ on the relationship between low birth weight and antisocial behavior.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, Jeffery Ward, Danielle Boisvert, and John P. Wright. (2010). “The stability of self-control in young adults.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. 1 unit.
Wilkerson, Matthewa, and Jamie Vaske. (2010). “Students’ perceptions of legal and extralegal factors in criminal justice decision-making.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA. .5 units.
Chapple, Constance, Jamie Vaske, Pamela Wilcox, and Bonnie Fisher. (2009). “Gender, self-control and the effect of social context on violent victimization.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA. 1 unit.
Galyean, Kevan, and Jamie Vaske. (2009). “Tests of multiple causal models of serotonin expression influencing antisocial/criminal behavior.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA. 1 unit.
Gehring, Krista, and Jamie Vaske. (2009). “The road between abuse and offending: A test of the pathways perspective.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, John P. Wright, Danielle Boisvert, and Kevin M. Beaver. (2009). “Gender, genetic risk, and offending.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA. 1 unit.
Vaske, Jamie, and Kevan Galyean. (2009). “Integration of neurobiology into correctional treatment.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Philadelphia, PA. 1 unit.
Boisvert, Danielle, John P. Wright, Jamie Vaske, and Kevin M. Beaver. (2008). “Genetic growth curve analyses on low self-control.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in St. Louis, MO.
Chapple, Connie, and Jamie Vaske. (2008). “Sex differences in association with deviant peers.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in St. Louis, MO.
Vaske, Jamie, Matthew D, Makarios, Brian Boutwell, Kevin M. Beaver, and John P. Wright. (2008). “5HTT moderates the effects of marijuana use on serious criminal behavior for females.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in St. Louis, MO.
Vaske, Jamie and Krista Gehring. (2008). “Mechanisms linking depression to criminal behavior.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in St. Louis, MO.
Schnupp, Rebecca, Jamie Vaske, and John P. Wright. (2007). “Child behavioral outcomes in the context of general strain theory.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, GA.
Vaske, Jamie, Danielle Boisvert, John P. Wright, and Kevin Beaver. (2007). “Gender differences in a gene-environment interaction predicting depression in young adults.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, GA.
Vaske, Jamie and John P. Wright. (2006). “Emotional indicators of low self-control and the effect of gender: Do our feelings matter?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Los Angeles, CA.
Vaske, Jamie and John P. Wright. (2006). “Genes and alcohol problems in women.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Los Angeles, CA.
Vaske, Jamie, Rebecca Schnupp, and John P. Wright. (2006). “The effects of child maltreatment on self-control in children age 3.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Los Angeles, CA.
a Denotes undergraduate student, b Denotes graduate student
CHHS 2013 Faculty Research Application ($3,000) for DRD4 protocol project (Dr. Jamie Vaske and Dr. Patricia Foley) .5 units.
CHHS 2012 Faculty Research Application ($2,000) for collaborative project on D4 polymorphism, stressful life events, delinquent peers, low self-control, and substance use project (Dr. Jamie Vaske, Dr. Patricia Foley, Dr. Kia Asberg, and Dr. Danielle Boisvert from Sam Houston State University) .5 units.
Member, American Society of Criminology, 2004-present.
Member, North Carolina Criminal Justice Association, 2011-present.
Member, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 2004-2005, 2013-2014.
Session Chair, “Programming for Special Offender Needs.” American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, 2007.
Session Chair, “Gender and the General Theory of Crime.” American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA, 2006.
Session Organizer, “Methodological Issues in Biosocial Research.” American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, 2012.
Session Chair, “Exploring biology and crime.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX, 2012.
Reviewer for Child Maltreatment, Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, Criminology, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Editorial Board for Journal of Criminal Justice (2013-present)
Biosocial Criminology
Quantitative Analysis
Gender Similarities and Differences in Antisocial Behavior
Developmental Criminology
Correctional Rehabilitation
Criminological Theory