Dr. Cyndy Caravelis Hughes
Assistant Professor
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
410-N Belk
About Me
Dr. Caravelis Hughes’ current research interests include examining the relationship between social threat and social control, the effect of inequality on crime, social justice and the death penalty. In addition to her academic endeavors, Dr. Caravelis Hughes has extensive field experience. Her prior positions include working as a legislative analyst for Florida’s Commission on Capital Cases, as a crime intelligence analyst for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and as an academic instructor in both male and female correctional institutions. Dr. Caravelis Hughes subscribes to an experiential learning philosophy and regularly takes students on trips both within the United States and abroad. Most recently, she has taken students to South Africa, England, France and Germany as part of her Social Justice and the Law course. In her free time, she enjoys training for triathlons and traveling around the world.