Dr. David Kinner Curriculum Vita



  • 2003      Ph.D., Geology, University of Colorado Boulder, CO
  • 1999      M.S., Geology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
  • 1996      B.A., Geology Amherst College, Magna Cum Laude, Amherst, MA

Professional Experience

  • 2014-                Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
  • 2012-               Associate Professor, Western Carolina University
  • 2011-2013       Geology Program Coordinator
  • 2006-2012       Assistant Professor, Western Carolina University
  • 2008                Instructor, N.C. Summer Ventures Program (high school students)
  • 2003-2006      Mendenhall Post-Doctoral Fellow –USGS Geologic Division
  • 1998-2003    Student Hydrologist, U. S. Geological National Research Program

Awards Received

  • 2014  Finalist Board of Governor’s Teaching Award
  • 2011   WCU College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award (one per year)
  • 2009 Chancellor’s Engaged Teaching Award, Western Carolina University


Western Carolina University (WCU), 2014

Provost’s External Funding Support Grant

“A “Significant Nexus”: How Does a Drainage Gully in a Headwater Watershed Affect Downstream Water Quality?,” $9996

PI: J.P. Gannon (WCU), Co-PIs:  Mark Lord (WCU), David Kinner


National Science Foundation, 2011

“Testing the Benefits of Undergraduate Research-Based Learning at Various Curricular Levels Using Authentic Research Questions in Hydrogeomorphology”, $199,099

PI: David Kinner, Co-PI: Mark Lord (WCU)

Western Carolina, (WCU), 2011
“Groundwater Recharge in Different Landscape Elements, Western North Carolina”, $43,800
PI: David Kinner, CO-PI: Mark Lord, Collaborators: Jerry Miller, Ben Tanner

Western Carolina Faculty Research Grant, 2010
“Examining shallow flowpaths in a landslide initiation zone”, $4,000

National Science Foundation, Travel Grant, 2007
“Determination of Sediment Sources and Transport Pathways Using Multivariate Geochemical Fingerprinting, in Mgeni and Berg Catchments, South Africa”, $13,559
Co-PIs: Jerry R. Miller (WCU) Kumud Acharya (Desert Research Institute)

U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region Hazards Team, 2007
“Debris flow research”, $15,434.16


Journal Articles

Tanner, B.R., Kinner, D.A., Griffith, A.D., Young, R.S., and Sorrell, L.M., 2011, Presence of Arundinaria gigantea (river cane) on numerous non-wetland sites suggests improper classification of the species: Wetland Ecology and Management, v. 19, p. 521-532.

Kinner, D.A., and Moody, J.A., 2010, Spatial variability of steady-state infiltration into a two-layer soil system on burned hillslopes: Journal of Hydrology, v.381, p.322-332.

Latham, R.S., Wooten, R.M., Billington, E.D., Gillon, K.A., Witt, A.C., Bauer, J.B., Fuelmmeler, S.J., Douglas, T.J., Kinner, D., and Waters-Tormey, C., 2010, The Hunters Crossing weathered rock slide, Haywood County, North Carolina, USA, in,  Calcaterra, D., and Parise, M., eds.,  Weathering as a predisposing factor to slope movements:  Geological Society, London: Engineering Geology Special Publications, v. 23, p. 149-166.

Moody, J.A., Kinner, D.A., and Ubeda, X., 2009, Linking Hydraulic Properties of Fire-affected Soils to Infiltration and Water Repellency: Journal of Hydrology, v. 379 (3-4), p.291-303.

Griffith, A.D., Kinner, D.A., Tanner, B.R., Moore, A., Mathews, K.G., and Young, R.S., 2009, Nutrient and physical soil characteristics of river cane stands, Western North Carolina: Castanea, v. 74 (3),  p. 224-235.

Kinner, D.A., and Moody, J.A., 2008, Infiltration and Runoff Measurements on Steep Burned Hillslopes Using a Rainfall Simulator with Variable Rain Intensities: USGS Scientific Investigations Report, 2007-5211, 64 p.

Mixon, D. M., Kinner, D.A., Stallard, R.F. and Syvitski, J.P.M., 2008, Geolocation of man-made reservoirs across terrains of varying complexity using GIS, Computers and Geosciences: v. 34, n. 10, p. 1194-1197.

Coe, J., Kinner, D.A., and Godt, J., 2008, Initiation conditions for runoff-generated debris flows at Chalk Cliffs, Central Colorado, USA:  Geomorphology, v. 96. n.3-4, 270-297.

Moody, J.A., Martin, D.A., Haire, S., and Kinner, D.A., 2008, Linking Runoff Response to Burn Severity after a Wildfire:  Hydrological Processes, v. 22, n. 13, p. 2063-2074.

Svenning, J.C., Engelbrecht, B. M. J., Kinner, D. A., Kursar, T. A., Stallard, R., F. and Wright, S. J., 2006, The relative roles of environment, history and local dispersal in controlling the distributions of common tree and shrub species in a tropical forest landscape, Panama: Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22, 575-586.

Moody J.A. and Kinner, D.A., 2006, Spatial structures of stream and hillslope drainage following gully erosion after wildfire:  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 31 (3), 319-337.

Kinner, D.A., and Moody, J.A., 2005, Drainage networks after wildfire, International Journal of Sediment Research, v. 20, no. 3, p. 194-201.

Kinner, D.A., Mitasova, H., Stallard, R.F., Harmon, R.S., and Toma, L., 2005, GIS database and stream network analysis for the Chagres River Basin, Republic of Panama, in Harmon, R.S., ed., The Rio Chagres, Panama – A multidisciplinary profile of a tropical watershed: Water, Science and Technology Library, v. 52, p. 83-85.
Stallard, R.F., and Kinner, D.A., 2005, Estimation of landslide importance in hillslope erosion within the Panama Canal watershed, in Harmon, R.S., ed., The Rio Chagres, Panama – A multidisciplinary profile of a tropical watershed: Water, Science and Technology Library, v. 52, p. 281-295.

Kinner, D.A., and Stallard, R.F., 2004, Identifying storm flow pathways in a rainforest catchment using hydrological and geochemical modeling: Hydrological Processes, v. 18, no. 15, p. 2851-2876.

Svenning, J-C., Kinner, D.A., Stallard, R.F., Engelbrecht, B.M., and Wright, S.J., 2004, Ecological determinism in plant community structure across a tropical forest landscape: Ecology, v. 85, no. 9, p. 2526-2538.

Kinner, D.A., 2003, Delineation of the Boulder Creek watershed and its subwatersheds, in Murphy, S.F., Verplanck, P.L., and Barber, L.B., eds., Comprehensive water quality of the Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado, during high-flow and low-flow conditions, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4045, chapt. 2, p. 27-39.

Murphy, S.F., Barber, L.B., Verplanck, P.L., and Kinner, D.A., 2003, Environmental setting and hydrology of the Boulder Creek Watershed, Chapter 1 in Murphy, S.F., Verplanck, P.L., and Barber, L.B., eds., Comprehensive water quality of the Boulder Creek Watershed, Colorado, during high-flow and low-flow conditions, 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4045, p. 5-26.


Bartl, E., Mountjoy, B., Hartigan, S., Gatlin, J., Lord, M., Kinner, D., and Gannon, J.P., 2015, Hydrogeologic traits and setting of headwaters stream bound by alluvial and colluvial deposits with a disturbance history typical of the southern Appalachians:  A case study:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 2., pg 16.

Mountjoy, B., Cato, M., Padgett, M., Ferri, K., Fuller, J., Lord, M., Kinner, D., and Walsh, D., 2015, Managing a hydrologic research station at Western Carolina University:  An undergraduate perspective:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 2, p. 96

Stephens, C., Keever, M., Beck, H., Hudspeth, R., Lord, M., Gannon, J.P., Kinner, D., and Campbell, T., 2015, Hydrogeomorphic influences on hyporheic exchange in a headwater stream in Cullowhee, N.C.:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 47, n. 2, pg. 95.

Williams, G., Waters-Tormey, C., Kinner, D. A., 2015, Fold-related structures: implications for variability in groundwater storage and recharge, in the Blue Ridge, Western North Carolina:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 2, p. 78.

Williams, G., Waters-Tormey, C., Kinner, D. A., 2014, Relationships between fracture patterns and Km-scale structures In low-porosity rock as inferred from geomorphology: implications for fluid/gas storage and permeability:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 97.

Lord, M., Kinner, D., and Crow, R., 2014, How collaborative research in traditional courses supports students, faculty, the institution and science: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, Vol. 46, No. 6, p.600.

Lord, M., and Kinner, D., 2013, An approach for group, undergraduate research experiences in courses across the geology curriculum:  American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #ED23E-04.

Kinner, D., Lord, M., and Crow, R., 2013, Student perceived benefits of group geology undergraduate research experience:  GSA Abstracts With Programs, v. 45, n. 7, p. 365.

Lord, M., and Kinner, D., 2013, An approach for group, undergraduate research experiences in courses across the geology curriculum:  American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #ED23E-04.

Kinner, D., Lord, M., and Crow, R., 2013, Student perceived benefits of group geology undergraduate research experience:  GSA Abstracts With Programs, v. 45, n. 7., p. 365.

Ferri, K., Bright, J., Printz, S., Lord, M., and Kinner, D., 2013, Heterogeneity of groundwater- stream water interactions in a headwaters Southern Appalachian watershed, Cullowhee, North Carolina, Clemson Hydrogeology Symposium, April 4, 2013, Clemson, S.C.

Kinner, D., 2013, Testing the benefits of undergraduate research-based learning at various curricular levels using authentic research questions in hydrogeomorphology, TUES/CCLI PIs conference, Washington, D.C., January 23-25, 2013.

Kinner, D., Lord, M., and Crow, R., 2012, Benefits of small group authentic research courses in traditional courses across the Geology curriculum: GSA Abstracts With Programs, v. 44, n. 7, p. 429.

Lord, M., Kinner, D., and Campbell, T., 2012, Hydrometric and geochemical characteristics of groundwater, Western North Carolina: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, n. 4, p. 65.

Hiatt, C. ,Kinner, D., Lord, M., Tanner, B.R., Campbell, T., and Padgett, M., 2011, Hydrogeologic properties of different geomorphic settings in a small disturbed watershed, Western North Carolina: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, n. 5, p. 116.

Tanner, B.R., Kinner D., Parris, J.E., Reinke, R., and Moser, E.,2011, Paleoenvironmental record at Panthertown Bog (NC), an early Holocene peat-accumulating wetland in the Southern Appalachians, v. 43, n. 5, p. 618.

Savitsky, L., Waters-Tormey, C., Kinner, D.A., and Campbell, T., 2011, Groundwater flow through fractures in crystalline rock in the Coweeta Group at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, NC: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, n. 2, p. 6.

Hiatt, C.,   Burnette, M.C.,  Roberts, W.B., Lord, M., Kinner, D., and Campbell, T., 2011, Analysis of groundwater-surface water interaction in a headwaters stream system in the Southern Appalachians, Cullowhee, N.C., Part A: Physical setting in different hydrogeomorphic reaches:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, n. 2, p. 82.

 Allen E.D., MacIntyre, A.M., Dobyne, J.A., Padgett, M.C., Lord, M., and Kinner, D., 2011, Analysis of groundwater-surface water interaction in a headwaters stream system in the Southern Appalachians, Cullowhee, N.C., Part B: Hydrology in different hydrogeomorphic settings:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 43, n. 2, p. 82.

Burnette, M.C., and Kinner, D.A., 2010, Measurement of shallow hydraulic conductivity profiles in potential landslide hazard initiation zones of the mountains of western North Carolina:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, n. 5, p. 611.

Griffith, A., Tanner, B.R., Kinner, D.A., Young, R.S., 2010, Restoration of Arundinaria Gigantea (Rivercane) to the Ocunaluftee River Floodplain, Cherokee, NC:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 5, p. 593.

Tanner, B. R., Kinner, D.A., Barbour, S., and Young, R., 2010, Radiocarbon dates reveal a high elevation, early Holocene wetland deposit in the southern Appalachian Mountains:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 1, p. 188

Kinner, D.A., Moody, J.A., and Jorgensen, D., 2009, Correlation of area and point measurements of rainfall intensities in a burned area subject to debris flows. GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 715.

Kinner, D.A., Waters-Tormey, C, Latham, R.S., Douglas, T.J., Wooten, R. M., and Jacobsen, P., 2009, Development, mass movement and weathering profiles: a slow moving weathered rock slide in western North Carolina. GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, no. 7, p. 626.

Tanner, B.R., Kinner, D.A., Griffith, A.W., and Young, R.S., 2008, Presence of Arundinaria gigantea on non-hydric soils suggests improper classification of the species, EOS Transactions of AGU, 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement.

Griffith, A., Mathews, K., Kinner, D., Tanner, B. and Young R., 2008, The chemical and physical soil properties of Arundinaria gigantean in western North Carolina:  69th Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 16 – 19, 2008, Spartanburg South Carolina.

Moore, A.W., and Kinner, D.A., 2008, Infiltration and moisture movement in native river cane stands, western North Carolina:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 4, p. 74. GSA Southeastern Meeting, Student Presentation.

Griffith, A., Kinner, D., McDowell, K., Tanner, B., and Young, R., 2007, Soil characterization for rivercane (Arundinaria Gigantea (Walter Muhl.)) restoration in Western North Carolina:  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6, p. 243.

Griffith, A., Dewald, L., Kinner, D., Mathews, K., Tanner, B., and Young, R., 2007 The Rivercane (Arundinaria gigantea) Restoration Project: Protecting a resource through scientific investigation and community education, 18th Annual Southeastern Man and the Biosphere Conference, October 22-24th, 2007, Johnson City, TN.

Kinner, D. A., and Moody, J.A., 2007, Infiltration and connectivity at multiple scales in burned watersheds.  GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 6.  p.180. GSA Fall Meeting 2007, Invited.

McDowell, K. L. , Griffith, A. D. , Kinner, D. A., Tanner, B. R., and Young, R. S., 2006 Restoration of River cane Arundinaria Gigantea in Western, NC: A step towards the identification of ideal environmental conditions, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 39(2), p. 29.

Kinner, D. A., 2005, Using multiple rain rates to examine spatial variability in infiltration: GSA Abstract with Programs, v. 37 no. 7, p. 35.

Moody, J. A., and Kinner, D. A., 2004, Gully erosion after wildfire, 3rd International Gully Symposium, Oxford MS, April 28-May 1, 2004.

Kinner, D. A., Moody, J. A., and Martin, D. A., 2003, Effects of surface sealing, soil moisture evolution and rainfall intensity on runoff from hillslope plots burned by wildfire:  EOS Transactions of the AGU, v. 84, no. 46.   Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H32A-0522.