Graduate Students


Andrew Robakiewicz

Andrew Robakiewicz

Andrew is a senior studying mechanical engineering. He is interested in inventing new commercial products and he is using his knowledge of “design form manufacturing” to develop a new device for the outdoor activities market. He is also working with Dr. Yue Hillon in the College of Business to develop the commercial side of the project.

Allison Thackery

Allison Thackery

Allison is a first year student at WCU studying nursing.  Her research project is to investigate different types of stents used to keep a lumen open.  The most common application for stents in in blood vessels, in particular within the heart (cardia stents).

John Davis

John Davis

John is a senior in Electrical Engineering this coming Fall and he is also a philosophy major. He is using mathematical modeling to develop a framework to better understand how mesenchymal stem cells move through artificial tissue. The goal of this research is to use these models to provide additional insight in the development of artificial tissues for articular cartilage replacement – an important topic in regenerative medicine. He will be presenting his research at the biomedical engineering society conference in October 2024.

Chloe Davis

Chloe Davis

Chloe is a second year student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, mechanical concentration and a degree in computer science.  She is tracking the movement of mesenchymal stem cells to develop a better understanding of their migration characteristics. Stem cells are used to repair tissue and keep it healthy. This research supports the development of artificial tissue for the repair of articular cartilage found within joints such as the knees, hips, shoulders, and fingers. She will be presenting her research at the biomedical engineering society conference in October 2024.

Sommer Allen

Sommer Allen

Sommer is now junior. Her research project is to investigate different types of stents used to keep a lumen open.  The most common application for stents in in blood vessels, in particular within the heart (cardiac stents). She also researching the biomechanics of patellar tendon relocation which she will be presenting at the biomedical engineering society conference in October 2024.

In 2022-2023 Sommer, as a first year student in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, conducted research with our group. She developed a portion of an irrigation system that will be used to water indoor plants including the electronic detection of soil humidity.  She presented her work at the National Conference for Undergraduate research in Eau Claire Wisconsin.