
Media posts and news articles about our activities.

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The Southern Conference - Twitter Post (2 min)

The Southern Conference - Full length version

Engineering and athletics team up with Penn State on head impact research at WCU

January 3-9, 2024: Printed in SmokyMountain News, Sylva, North Carolina, USA –

High-tech mouthguard: WCU, Penn State collaborate on concussion study for sports safety

Engineering and Athletics team up with Penn State on head impact research

Veterans Day lunch highlights the importance of camaraderie for WCU's veterans

Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi Installed at WCU

Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi Installed at WCU

New Chapter of Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi Approved for Installation at WCU

Government Action Creates a Ripple Effect on Supply Chain

WCU Professor chosen as scholar for U.S. FDA

Engineering professor names as resident scholar for NSF funded research for FDA

Western Carolina University - Engineering students collaborate to design and build a solar tracking array

Tanaka presents Biomedical Research in Harrisonburg Virginia

27 February 2016